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  • frontier-team-builder
  • Jonathan Haack
  • Haack's Networking


This tutorial is designed for users of Debian GNU/Linux who wish to self-host a version of, an MIT licensed Pokémon GO project designed by KakunaMatata. The primary purposes of are to allow lovers of the game to build a collection of Pokémon suited for battle, called a battle party and to provide rankings on Pokémon for particular cups, called metas. In my case, I run two Discord “servers” dedicated to Pokémon battling and both communities have teams that I lead which create custom metas and then host Swiss tournaments (both team and individual) for these metas. A project like provides a lot of value. It allows our meta development team to create well-built metas and helps participating trainers build battle parties that are well-suited for the associated tournaments that leverage those metas. For this reason, we decided to fork the project so that our meta team could use a development version to design future metas and a white-labeled and stripped down production version that would help our participants build for and participate in those metas. Additionally, I've developed a set of automated bash scripts, production readying/hardening steps, steps for maintaining, updating, and pulling from upstream for both the development and production isntances. Finally, I've also developed documentation on how to use the original project and/or our development and production versions that serve other grassroots Pokémon GO communities interested in doing something similar. The official project is maintained in a self-hosted Gitlab instance over at

Now that you understand the context, the first step is to ensure you have a secure VPS accessible with ssh, a FEMP/LAMP stack or equivalent w/ LTS setup, and that you understand the basics of server hardening and/or management of services for public facing instances. If you do not, please begin by reading apachesurvival and then hit me up for next steps. So long as you have those in place, our first step is to clone the repository and then create a redirect rule. The redirect rule redirects traffic to the webroot to the sub-directory that the development project expects (and is also, for security reasons, hard coded to fail if/when it does not exist). Don't worry, we'll protect and/or harden both the development and production instances later in the tutorial. Henceforward my tutorial will assume Debian GNU/Linux and a LAMP stack; adjust accordingly for other stacks.

cd /var/www/
git clone
sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/

Add the following the RedirectMath rule just below DocumentRoot.

<RedirectMatch ^/$ /pvpoke/src>

This redirect is simple, stating that anything that requests be redirected to

oemb1905 2023/12/03 04:48

projects/frontier-team-builder.1701581181.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/03 05:26 by oemb1905