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  • hackingclub
  • Jonathan Haack
  • Haack's Networking

Welcome to the Code Talkers Hacking Club home page. If you want an account on my wiki in order to edit / add to this page, email me at netcmnd and I will consider approval. Our name is borrowed from the originalNavajo Code Talkers, which can be found at the referenced site and to which we honor and pay tribute to with our name.

The first thing to do is to use the Chromium web browser's Secure Shell web app to access your digital ocean vps. Chromium is not completely #FreeSoftware but close, and this is the easiest way to start from any system. Ideally, you should find an old laptop and immediately put GNU/Linux on it. Once you have a shell, execute the command below. Do not forget to email me for your default password.

ssh -p 222

Once inside the droplet, change your password:


Next, please clone the Code Talkers Hacking Club repository here: Hacking Club Repository. Your git survival and startup guide is below; do not forget you have to create a Git Lab account and get added to the community respository first. Email me at netcmnd once you have completed that step.

cd ~
mkdir git
cd git/
git clone
<enter user and pass>
cd genprojects/
touch yourdocument.notes
nano yourdocument.notes
git add yourdocument.notes
git commit -am"add note about what the document contains here in the quotes"
git pull
git push

If you give me your public ssh key via email, then I can add it to the repository. It will save you from having to enter your user name and password, but even without it, you are using TLS encryption. If you have sent me your key and received confirmation that I added it, then run the following command within your respository clone to force ssh always:

git remote set-url origin

The primary instructional websites you should consider studying are liisted below. One of the best websites is my Wiki, which you are on right now. Click the link below to get to the primary page, and I have a host of fundamental tutorials on the upper left sidebar that you can get started with.

We will be migrating off of Google Classroom next year, and switching to a self-hosted Git Lab that I am working on. It will be private like Classroom, but completely FreeSoftware and not subject to Google's eyes, although I do concede Google does lots of so-called 'open-source' work. Expect a change in the repository when this is completed. You never know - it may happen sooner rather than later.

oemb1905 2018/05/19 19:32

hackingprojects/hackingclub.1533752082.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/11/25 01:33 (external edit)