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  • rsyncrsnapshot
  • Jonathan Haack
  • Haack's Networking

Since I am backing up multiple remote hosts, I chose to create separate configs for each remote host instead of putting those destinations in the /etc/rsnapshot.conf together with the localhost/backup server. I have the config set to retain 90 days worth of backups called “alpha” and it is set to sync first. The localhost configuration is as follows:

#base config 
config_version          1.2
snapshot_root           /mnt/backups/rsnapback/localhost.domain/
cmd_cp                  /bin/cp
cmd_rm                  /bin/rm
cmd_rsync               /usr/bin/rsync
cmd_ssh                 /usr/bin/ssh
cmd_logger              /usr/bin/logger
verbose                 2
loglevel                3
logfile                 /var/log/rsnapshot.log
sync_first              1
use_lazy_deletes        1 
retain                  alpha                                           90
backup                  /home/                                          home/
backup                  /etc/                                           etc/
backup                  /usr/local/bin/                                 bin/
backup                  /root/                                          root/
backup                  /var/www/                                       www/

Then, to run this, I use a simple script I created. Again, this script is just for running the localhost, so it can also be used for someone's single desktop:

        START1="$(date +%s)"
        touch $logfile
        $service -V sync > $logfile
        END1="$(date +%s)"
        DURATION1=$[ ${END1} - ${START1} ]
        MINUTES=$[ ${DURATION1} / 60 ]
        sed -i "1s/^/Jonathan, at $(date), the rsnapshot sync took exactly ${DURATION1} seconds which is approximately ${MINUTES} minutes to complete.\n/" $logfile
        tail -n -5 $logfile | grep "completed"
        START1="$(date +%s)"
        echo "Jonathan, at $(date), the sync has completed and I am now running alpha."
        $service -V alpha >> $logfile
        END1="$(date +%s)"
        DURATION1=$[ ${END1} - ${START1} ]
        MINUTES=$[ ${DURATION1} / 60 ]
        sed -i "1s/^/Jonathan, at $(date), the rsnapshot alpha took exactly ${DURATION1} seconds which is approximately ${MINUTES} minutes to complete.\n/" $logfile
        mail -s "[$(hostname -f)]-rsnap-success-$(date)" < $logfile
        rm $logfile
        chown sexa:sexa -R /mnt/backups/rsnapback/localhost.domain/
        chmod 770 -R /mnt/backups/rsnapback/localhost.domain/
        echo "Jonathan, at $(date), the sync has failed and I am now notifying you."
        mail -s "[$(hostname -f)]-rsnap-failure-$(date)" < $logfile
        rm $logfile

Then, in /etc/cron.d/rsnapshot, I set up a cronjob to run this script on a schedule. For my particular use case, twice a day is sufficient, but this can obviously be adjusted to the user's needs:

0 0,14 * * * root /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/ > /dev/null 2>&1

Now that the localhost/backup server is backing up it's own essential boot volume files to the backup zpool, it's time to create the configs and scripts for the remote hosts. In my case, I have over 15 remote hosts set up this way, so I will highlight the setup for one in order to demonstrate what I've done. First, create a directory for the configs such as /etc/rsnapshot/ and then create a config file within it such as /etc/rsnapshot/ The config for the remote host looks very similar to the localhost config, but it has syntax for connecting to the remote host. Of course, make sure that you have properly exchanged ssh keys and installed rsync on the remote host before proceeding:

#base config 
config_version          1.2
snapshot_root           /mnt/backups/rsnapback/
cmd_cp                  /bin/cp
cmd_rm                  /bin/rm
cmd_rsync               /usr/bin/rsync
cmd_ssh                 /usr/bin/ssh
cmd_logger              /usr/bin/logger
verbose                 2
loglevel                3
logfile                 /var/log/rsnapshot.log
sync_first              1
use_lazy_deletes        1
retain                  alpha                                  90
backup                          etc/
backup                bin/
backup                      www/
backup                         home/
backup                         root/

Now that the config is setup, you use a script very similar to the localhost script above, but note the syntax changes for sync and alpha that will specify to rsnapshot to use this particular configuration file:

[BEGIN OLD] Let's start with rsnapshot. Before you begin, you must already know how to add a hard drive to your system, a mount point, and an appropriate fstab entry. This also assumes you have an MTA properly set-up in order to send email. To create a basic configuration, do the following:

sudo apt install rsnapshot
nano /etc/rsnapshot.conf
<rsnapshot_root /enter-mount-point-here>

Uncomment the alpha, beta, gamma, and delta sections under backup levels section, enable the sync-first option, and specify the directories you want to backup (remember, localhost, calls whatever you have above in rsnapshot_root from above):

<retain  alpha   6>
<retain  beta    7>
<retain  gamma   4>
<retain  delta   3>
<sync_first      1>
<backup /home/   localhost>
<backup /etc/    localhost>

Now, edit the default script inside /etc/cron.d/rsnapshot and for, simple configurations, just enable the four entries they have inside that template. The default cron entries look like this:

<0 */4   * * *          root    /usr/bin/rsnapshot alpha>
<30 3    * * *          root    /usr/bin/rsnapshot beta>
<0  3    * * 1          root    /usr/bin/rsnapshot gamma>
<30 2    1 * *          root    /usr/bin/rsnapshot delta>

Personally, I use a simple script to ensure that the sync_first command completed before I run any of the rsnapshot alpha, or rsnapshot beta, and so on. My script is simple and limited to what I could get up and working. There are reliability problems with this script in full disclosure, but for my use case, it works at present. Here it is:


Of course, I have one of these for alpha, another for beta, and gamma, and so on until delta. Each of these checks the verbose log for successful completion and emails me upon verification of that from the output of the rsnapshot sync_first command. If it fails, it stops the service and emails me. A colleague of mine has a much more advanced script that checks whether the drive is mounted and other various niceties that should be part of a more robust backup solution. I have included a version of the script he developed and shared with me here:

OK … that's pretty much it for getting started with rsnapshot. Now, let's look at rsync over ssh, which is a great way to pull an immediate mirror of a site with ease. I have included syntax for alternate port and newer syntax without alternate port.

From remote server to target backup localhost, with alt port:

rsync -av --delete -e 'ssh -p 59333 -i /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa' user@ /home/user/Server/

From localhost to target remote backup server, with alt port:

rsync -av --delete -e 'ssh -p 59333 -i /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa' /home/user/Server/ user@

From remote server to target backup localhost, with standard port:

sudo rsync -avi --delete /home/user/backup/of/mysqldump.sql 

From localhost to target remote backup server, with standard port:

sudo rsync -avi --delete /home/user/backup/of/mysqldump.sql

Once you master these steps, checkout remote-upgrades, so you can use these backup scripts and tools with a greater remote vpn and backup solution.

This tutorial is a designated “Invariant Section” of the “Technotronic” section of Haack's Wiki as described on the Start Page.

oemb1905 2020/01/27 12:55

computing/rsyncrsnapshot.1681161158.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/10 21:12 by oemb1905