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  • gitlab-ce
  • Jonathan Haack
  • Haack's Networking

Installing gitlab-ce on a Debian system.

The pre-requisites:

  • Using Debian or similar
  • Self Hosted Web Server using Apache 2.4
  • Available Domain with DNS set up
  • Self-Signed Certificate is established as backup
  • Letsencrypt, using certbot, is established and working

If you are missing some of these pre-requisites, please visit the Apache Survival Tutorial I created which covers these topics. Otherwise, let's begin by installing Gitlab Community Edition and editing the Ruby configuration file to work with the LAMP stack:

sudo apt install gitlab-ce
sudo nano /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb

In this file, you need to edit 6 lines. The Gitlab Tutorial requests an additional line - which I included but commented out - be adjusted and also forgets to specify that gitlab_workhorse should be enabled. These are the options I used with my LAMP stack to get it up and running:

external_url ''
gitlab_workhorse['enable'] = true
gitlab_workhorse['listen_network'] = "tcp"
gitlab_workhorse['listen_addr'] = ""
web_server['external_users'] = ['www-data']
nginx['enable'] = false
#gitlab_rails['trusted_proxies'] = [ '', '', '2001:0db8::/32' ]

Optionally, if you want your ssh on an alternate port, then configure one more option in the gitlab.rb file. Of course, you will also need to adjust your sshd_config and you firewall (if applicable) to permit traffic on this port.

gitlab_rails['gitlab_shell_ssh_port'] = 40000

Ok, now that the configuration file is set up, let's make sure that your Apache Web Server has appropriate configuration files. There is a Gitlab Recipes repository dedicated to getting Gitlab-CE up on non-default web servers. These are REHL templates so I adjusted the logs, commented out the CA line in the SSL config, and ran Certbot on top of the SSL config, yielding the following final configurations which worked:

These both work in production, so feel free to use and share. I will post these to the recipes page if they begin to differ enough that I need to do so. For now, I will keep them here only. Make sure that you enabled the appropriate mods that allow a proxy webserver, gitlab-ce, to run on the localhost on port 8181, but to be accessible externally using the domain above. That is done in apache as follows:

sudo a2enmod http_proxy
sudo a2enmod proxy
sudo a2enmod rewrite

You should now be able to cofnigure gitlab-ce with its built in configuration tool::

sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure  

After you complete these steps, restart both the Apache Web Server and the Gitlab services as follows:

sudo systemctl restart apache2.service
sudo systemctl restart gitlab-runsvdir.service

Personally, I do not like to use the default Let's Encrypt tool in the gitlab-ce configuration file and prefer instead to set up https prior to installing or configuring gitlab-ce. This is especially convenient and helpful if you have more than one virtual host you are running. If you have a firewall running, do not forget to allow connections on 8181. Lastly, please visit the repository at Code Talkers and if you want access, send me an email.

oemb1905 2018/08/04 16:36

computing/gitlab-ce.1533445366.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/11/25 01:33 (external edit)