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  • beagleboneblack
  • Jonathan Haack
  • Haack's Networking

To locate device if auto-mounted

sudo dmesg
umount /dev/mmcblk0p1

Optional: use fdisk to remove the partition first before dding … use blkdiscard before

sudo dd of=/dev/mmcblk0 if=/home/sexa/Downloads/bone-debian-9.2-iot-armhf-2017-10-10-4gb.img bs=1M conv=fdatasync [or && sync]

After this, pull out SD card. Plug back in. Locate where it mounted, prepare to edit file to allow it to run the installer upon boot. This is located in boot/enV.txt relative to wherever the media mounted. Eg., cd /media/sexa/rootfs/boot/


Get out of the directory asap. then:

umount /dev/mmcblk0p1

Now that the image has been turned into an installer, you may put the microSD card into the Beagle Bone (without power).

On a typical serial to USB adapter, and almost all others, the colors are white (receive), green (transmit), black (ground), red (5V power). Do not use the red cable unless you know what you are doing. Otherwise, make sure that the adapter's transmit goes to the Beagle's receive, and the adapter's receive to the Beagle's transmit. The diagram below shows the Beagle's perspective. From left to right, there are 6 pins, so it would be : nothing, white, green, nothing, nothing, black. The adapter commonly has a name like ttyUSB0, therefore this command should do the trick:

sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

Once the Beagle Bone is set up, one can leverage the screen command with ssh to tunnel to another host, and then pass a screen command to keep the commands you initiate persistent on the client you connected to. That syntax looks like this:

ssh -p 222 -t screen -DRO

Some other common speeds are 9600, 57600, 38400, 19200. For the Beagle Bone black, I always use 115200. These speeds are in baud.

computing/beaglebone.1532792921.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/11/25 01:33 (external edit)