This is an old revision of the document!
#Boot from USB with the following
sudo dd if=[enter path of .iso here no braces] of=[enter disk identifier here, e.g., /dev/disk5 here]
#In order to know which disk identifier to use, please run:
diskutil list
#In order to format the volume, please run:
diskutil eraseDisk [JHFS+ or FAT32, etc here] [Name of new partition] [disk identifier, i.e., /dev/disk5]
#In order to run the “dd” command which will allow you to make a bootable USB, you need to unmount first so run:
diskutil unmountDisk [disk identifier]
#Now, we need to copy the .iso over to make it bottable … here is an example from PPC for Ubuntu:
sudo dd if=/Volumes/Cave/Users/axes/Desktop/lubuntu-14.04.1-alternate-powerpc.iso of=/dev/disk5 bs=1m
#Here is an example using Tails installer (this is not PPC, but just shows different usage of dd command):
sudo dd if=/Users/me/tails-i386-1.3.iso of=/dev/rdisk9 bs=16m && sync
#Once the USB stick is ready with the .iso of your choice, now you need to plug it in to the PPC machine and boot from it:
#Power on the device while holding down the command, option, o, and f buttons as this will take you to Open Firmware
#Once in OpenFirmware, you need to probe for USB devices (optional) and then command the firmware to boot from the USB:
To boot the USB device you can usually use one of the following commands (on the author's ibook usb0 is the port closest to the front, usb1 is towards the back):
boot usb0/disk@1:2,\\yaboot boot usb1/disk@1:2,\\yaboot
#boot usb2 etc., etc.
#This will now boot from the USB and take you to the Yaboot bootloader by default - once there, commands differ for each .iso
#For MintPPC, you are using a mini-ISO only, and so you enter:
#for Lubuntu text installer (full .iso but alternate text version) you use:
#For Ubuntu mini ISO, for G3 and G4, you use:
#For Ubuntu mini ISO, for 64bit G5, you use:
#To list all computer profile specifics:
cat /proc/cpuinfo && lspci | grep -i vga && uname -a && lsb_release -a
— oemb1905 2016/11/05 06:46