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-#Darwin Basics 
-#Jonathan Haack 
-#Haack's Networking 
-  /etc/paths (location of PATH on Mac) 
-  /etc/man.path (man page paths) 
-#Force Remove Trash 
-#User Directory Trashes (sudo not required, but can help) 
-  sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash/* 
-#All Directory Trashes (sudo not required, but can help) 
-  sudo rm -rf /Volumes/*/.Trashes 
-#If this still causes trouble, then 
-  login root 
-#Enter password 
-  sudo rm -rf /Volumes/*/.Trashes 
-#Now, all trashes should empty, but it is slow so view 
-#Finder Status bar at /Volumes/Macintosh HD/ 
-#Showing hidden items in Finder (highly recommended) 
-  defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE 
-  killall Finder 
-#replace with FALSE to change back ... make sure before entering killall 
-#could also use YES / NO, or 1/0 (have not tested 1/0) 
-#Hiding Users 
-  sudo dscl . create /Users/shortnameofuser IsHidden 1 
-#change to 0 to de-activate 
-#Moving user directory to var (warning, do this logged in as root) 
-  sudo mv /Users/shortnameofuser /var/shortnameofuser 
-#Then, update the user record path 
-  sudo dscl . -create /Users/shortnameofuser NSFHomeDirectory /var/shortnameofuser 
-#Remove public share point through Terminal (or go to FS in SP in GUI) 
-  sudo dscl . -delete "/SharePoints/shortnameofuser's Public Folder" 
-#Homebrew Basics 
-  ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL" 
-  Download script from GitHub 
-  brew update 
-  brew cleanup 
-#Verify Config: 
-  brew doctor 
-#Update Packages 
-  brew update packagename 
-#Install from Casks 
-  brew install Caskroom/cask/nameofcasknoextension 
-#To find the Casks in your GUI 
-  /Volumes/Macintosh HD/usr/local/Library/Taps/caskroom/homebrew-cask/Casks 
-#To see what you have installed using your GUI 
-  /Volumes/Macintosh HD/usr/local/Cellar 
-#Sometimes they are installed by default in opt 
-#(although this can be changed by an --option) 
-  /Volumes/Macintosh HD/opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom 
-#There is debate, mostly from MacPorts & Fink people 
-#about where to put package Managers: 
-#Homebrew will cause problems when building software from source if it is installed in /usr/local. 
-#This is the default, which is a bad choice as this path is in the default search path of compilers and other tools. 
-#Therefore builds from other packaging software might pick up the wrong dependency, using Homebrew's version instead of their own. 
-#Years ago, in the very beginning of the project, even MacPorts was using /usr/local. 
-#But it turned out not to cooperate with other tools as is documented in their FAQ. 
-#Unfortunately Homebrew developers didn't want to hear about prior experiences and ignored such facts... 
-#In general, it is usually better to stick to one tool only to avoid all problems. 
-#MacPorts is doing their best to patch out any harcoded paths, e.g. to /sw which is used by Fink. 
-#So usually it will work, but having anything installed in /usr/local will definitely cause problems for it. 
-@Raim on StackExchange  
-#MacPorts addresses this too: 
-#Braumeister has a search engine of Homebrew packages 
-#Common Packages (Will be adding more, this is by no means 
-#exhaustive of what I have used in past). 
-  * tree 
-  * webkit2png 
-  * graphicsmagick 
-  * git 
-  * python 
-  * python3 
-  * watch 
-  * wget 
-  * automake 
-  * autoconf 
-  * htop 
-  * jpegoptim 
-  * imagemagick 
-  * fish (fish shell) 
-  * xquartz 
-  * Homebrew cask 
-  * ack (like grep) 
-  * git 
-  * bash-completion 
-  * bash completion script 
-  * colordiff 
-  * ffmpeg 
-  * htop 
-  * imagemagick 
-  * gawk 
-  * gnu-sed 
-  * cowsay 
-  * lftp 
-  * wget 
-  * axel 
-  * tree 
-  * unrar 
-  * rlwrap 
-  * readline wrap 
-  * tig 
-  * git (command line interface) 
-  * youtube-dl 
-  * lynx (web browser) 
-  * memcached (for caching on web server) 
-  * Alpine (new version of Pine) 
-  * mutt 
-  * vi 
-  * emacs 
-  * nano 
-  * python (add 3 for v.3) 
-  * pip 
-  * virtualenv 
-  * ruby 
-  * ruby-build (test versions) 
-#Install GNU Essentials 
-  brew install coreutils 
-#Add to PATH with TextWrangler or: 
-  sudo open /etc/paths 
-  sudo nano /etc/paths 
-#Add the next line after /usr/bin 
-  /usr/local/bin 
-#Add to PATH with vi text editor or nano using Terminal 
-  sudo vi /etc/paths 
-  sudo nano /etc/paths 
-#Path Looks Like This, but bear in mind Homebrew prefers the local bin first 
-  /usr/bin 
-  /usr/local/bin 
-  /bin 
-  /usr/sbin 
-  /sbin 
-#Homebrew offers the following instructions about coreutils 
-#All commands have been installed with the prefix 'g'. 
-#If you really need to use these commands with their normal name can 
-#add a "gnubin" directory to your PATH from your bashrc like 
-  PATH="/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH" 
-#Additionally, you can access their man pages with normal names the 
-#"gnuman" directory to your MANPATH from your bashrc as well 
-  MANPATH="/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnuman:$MANPATH" 
-#You can also use Text Wrangler to add the GNU commands to Man Pages (or use vi) 
-  /etc/man.conf 
-#add the following in the Set up PATH to MANPATH mapping section 
-  MANPATH_MAP /usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin 
- /usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnuman 
-#More GNU commands, but duplicate ones 
-  brew tap homebrew/dupes 
-  brew install binutils 
-  brew install diffutils 
-  brew install ed --default-names 
-  brew install findutils --with-default-names 
-  brew install gawk 
-  brew install gnu-indent --with-default-names 
-  brew install gnu-sed --with-default-names 
-  brew install gnu-tar --with-default-names 
-  brew install gnu-which --with-default-names 
-  brew install gnutls 
-  brew install grep --with-default-names 
-  brew install gzip 
-  brew install screen 
-  brew install watch 
-  brew install wdiff --with-gettext 
-  brew install wget 
-#newer versions of tools already on OS X and GNU 
-  brew install bash 
-  brew install emacs 
-  brew install gdb   gdb requires further actions to make it work. See `brew info gdb`. 
-  brew install gpatch 
-  brew install m4 
-  brew install make 
-  brew install nano 
-#commands not on GNU but on OS X but might want newer 
-  brew install file-formula 
-  brew install git 
-  brew install less 
-  brew install openssh 
-  brew install perl518    must run "brew tap homebrew/versions" first! 
-  brew install python 
-  brew install rsync 
-  brew install svn 
-  brew install unzip 
-  brew install vim --override-system-vi 
-  brew install macvim --override-system-vim --custom-system-icons 
-  brew install zsh 
-#Adding scripts to my shell PATH so I can run form command line 
-  ln -s /Volumes/Cave/<path-to-script> /usr/local/bin/scriptname 
-#To see what is currently installed and save text file in User Downloads 
-  brew list > ~/Downloads/brews.txt 
-#Remember, there are third party caskrooms (braumeister has lots of info): 
-  homebrew/science/metaphlan        
-  Caskroom/cask/tap-bpm             
-  Caskroom/cask/tuntap              
-  Caskroom/cask/wiretap-studio    
-  Caskroom/cask/rcdefaultapp        
-  Caskroom/cask/tapaal              
-  Caskroom/cask/wavtap            
-#To install one of them, run (for example): 
-  brew install homebrew/science/metaphlan 
-#Some error readings I got once ... still need to review ... copied and paster below: 
-Are you sure you want to uninstall Homebrew? [y/N] y 
-==> Removing Homebrew installation... 
-==> Removing empty directories... 
-==> Homebrew uninstalled! 
-The following possible Homebrew files were not deleted: 
-  *   /usr/local/.DS_Store 
-  *   /usr/local/bin/ 
-  *   /usr/local/share/ 
-You may consider to remove them by yourself. 
-#You may want to restore /usr/local's original permissions 
-  sudo chmod 0755 /usr/local 
-  sudo chgrp wheel /usr/local 
-#Permissions to manually allow everything for a user 
-#The second command owns a directory by root with group wheel over local directory 
-#The third restores current user as owner to local directory 
-  sudo chmod -R +a "$USER allow delete,readattr,writeattr,readextattr,writeextattr,readsecurity,writesecurity,chown,list,search,add_file,add_subdirectory,delete_child,file_inherit,directory_inherit" . 
-  sudo chown -R root:wheel /usr/local 
-  sudo chmod -R -N /usr/local 
-#To install alternative repositories for later installation, such as: 
-  Homebrew/homebrew-apache 
-  Homebrew/homebrew-binary 
-  Homebrew/homebrew-boneyard 
-  Homebrew/homebrew-completions 
-  Homebrew/homebrew-dupes 
-  Homebrew/homebrew-games 
-  Homebrew/homebrew-headonly 
-  Homebrew/homebrew-python 
-  Homebrew/homebrew-science 
-  Homebrew/homebrew-versions 
-  davidchall/homebrew-hep 
-  josegonzalez/homebrew-php 
-  brew tap Homebrew/homebrew-binary   
-#To install the brew tap third party packages, look inside the Taps folder in /usr/local to find one, and then 
- brew install homebrew/homebrew-games/<name of package> 
-#Some are not strict directory paths, but are abbreviations (most likely through the bin somehow) 
-  brew install Caskroom/cask/[name of package from step ^]  
-#To get private key from bitcoin console 
-#Navigate to bitcoin console 
-  walletpassphrase [enterpassword] 
-  dumprivkey [enter public address from gui] 
-#Out comes the private key 
-#To add shell scripts to Terminal command, open bash.rc, and add this to the fields (first create a directory for your scripts): 
-  export PATH="/path/to/dir:$PATH" 
-#Then, restart Terminal by: 
-  source .bashrc 
-#I also added the directory of my shell scripts to the path directory 
-  cd Volumes/Cave/etc/ 
-  nano edit paths  
-#Then add a line to the scripts folder: 
-  /Volumes/Cave/Users/axes/Scripts 
-#To make a script executable (not tested yet - old commands in fodler) 
-  chmod +x 
-#El Capitan Boot Volume command - presuming it is in the Applications directory and is the GM Candidate version ... if not, substitute in version / title of the one you have: 
-  sudo /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ El\ Capitan\ GM\ --volume /Volumes/Untitled --applicationpath /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ El\ Capitan\ GM\ --nointeraction 
darwin.1461472249.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/11/25 01:33 (external edit)