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computing:gnulinux [2017/10/14 02:47] oemb1905computing:gnulinux [2018/05/18 08:05] (current) – removed oemb1905
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-  * PPC Darwin Basics 
-  * Jonathan Haack 
-  * Haack's Networking 
-  * 
-#Boot from USB with the following 
-  sudo dd if=[enter path of .iso here no braces] of=[enter disk identifier here, e.g., /dev/disk5 here] 
-#In order to know which disk identifier to use, please run: 
-  diskutil list 
-#In order to format the volume, please run: 
-  diskutil eraseDisk [JHFS+ or FAT32, etc here] [Name of new partition] [disk identifier, i.e., /dev/disk5] 
-#In order to run the "dd" command which will allow you to make a bootable USB, you need to unmount first so run: 
-  diskutil unmountDisk [disk identifier] 
-#Now, we need to copy the .iso over to make it bottable ... here is an example from PPC for Ubuntu: 
-  sudo dd if=/Volumes/Cave/Users/axes/Desktop/lubuntu-14.04.1-alternate-powerpc.iso of=/dev/disk5 bs=1m  
-#Here is an example using Tails installer (this is not PPC, but just shows different usage of dd command): 
-  sudo dd if=/Users/me/tails-i386-1.3.iso of=/dev/rdisk9 bs=16m && sync 
-#Once the USB stick is ready with the .iso of your choice, now you need to plug it in to the PPC machine and boot from it: 
-#Power on the device while holding down the command, option, o, and f buttons as this will take you to Open Firmware 
-#Once in OpenFirmware, you need to probe for USB devices (optional) and then command the firmware to boot from the USB:  
-  probe-usb 
-To boot the USB device you can usually use one of the following commands (on the author's ibook usb0 is the port closest to the front, usb1 is towards the back): 
-  boot usb0/disk@1:2,\\yaboot 
-  boot usb1/disk@1:2,\\yaboot  
-#boot usb2 etc., etc. 
-#This will now boot from the USB and take you to the Yaboot bootloader by default - once there, commands differ for each .iso 
-#For MintPPC, you are using a mini-ISO only, and so you enter: 
-  install 
-#for Lubuntu text installer (full .iso but alternate text version) you use: 
-  install 
-#For Ubuntu mini ISO, for G3 and G4, you use: 
-  cli   
-  cli-expert 
-#For Ubuntu mini ISO, for 64bit G5, you use: 
-  cli64 
-  cli64-expert 
-  * gnulinux basics 
-  * Jonathan Haack 
-  * Haack's Networking 
-  * 
-#Debian print system configuration and peripherals, more, to stdout ... 
-  cat /proc/cpuinfo && lspci | grep -i vga && uname -a && lsb_release -a 
-#Debian repo management 
-  cd /etc/apt 
-  nano sources.lsit 
-#Add this line to the file at the top and save changes via nano 
-  deb wheezy main contrib non-free 
-#I had to do the following - add jessie to apt-get - in order to get it to work despite the instructions 
-  deb jessie main contrib non-free 
-#Then, re-run apt-get to get these packages, then get the cutter 
-  apt-get update 
-  apt-get install firmware-b43-installer 
-#or ... it may be an older model, so use 
-  apt-get install firmware-b43-lpphy-installer 
-  apt-get install firmware-b43legacy-installer 
-#to know which one, go to, or  
-#To install Google Chrome on Ubuntu and Linux: 
-#32-bit systems: 
-  wget -c sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-*.deb 
-  sudo apt-get install -f 
-#For 64-bit systems: 
-  wget -c wget 
-  sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-*.deb 
-  sudo apt-get install -f 
-#Bootable USB sticks on Intel Macs.  First, convert the .iso to udrw format.  The destination and source info shall contain the appropriate directory /Directory/detsination.img  
-  hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o destination_file.img source_file.iso 
-#Next, prepare the usb disk.  Obtain disk identifier. 
-  diskutil list 
-#Prepare volume 
-  diskutil partitionDisk /dev/[identifier] 1 "Free Space" "unused" "100%" 
-#Copy the udrw to the flash drive with dd command: 
-  dd if=[Directory/to/udrw/img] of=/dev/[identifier] bs=1m 
-#Eject disk 
-  diskutil eject /dev/disk2 
-#Plug into the Intel Mac, hold option while booting, select volume. 
-#burning CD command 
-  cdrecord -pad -dao -data blag-140k-i686.iso 
-#Linux password policy commmands 
-  sudo nano /etc/pam.d/common-password 
-#Prevent Log in - create file 
-  /etc/nologin 
-#General lightrm dm settings here for user 
-  cd /usr/share/lightdm/light.conf.d/ 
-#Global lightdm settings here 
-  cd /etc/lightdm/ 
-  sudo nano lightdm.conf 
-#Lightdm Greeter in ubuntu-MATE is temperamental for screen lock and for greeter background, default & config loc. 
-  /usr/share/common/backgrounds/ubuntu-mate-common/Ubuntu-Mate-Cold.jpg 
-  /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf 
-#The .conf file should have the following for no guests and no named users and should have the following options: 
-  [SeatDefaults] 
-  allow-guest=false 
-  greeter-hide-users=true 
-#downloading scripts and installing scripts with wget from command line with piping, e.g., from DO. 
-  curl -sSL | sh 
-#check distro version debian systems 
-  lsb_release -a 
-#command-line / text only way to add authorized_keys using ngrok tunnel 
-  ./ngrok http 80 
-  wget https://[ngrok tunnel]/ 
-  cat ~/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys 
-#query hosts on the lan 
-  avahi-browse -tl _workstation._tcp 
-#Ubuntu-MATE desktop environment and MATE themes on Debian (do not upgrade until you disable these). 
-  sudo apt install mate-tweak 
-  cd /etc/apt/sources.list 
-  sudo nano sources.list 
-  <add contrib non-free to default debian repositories> 
-  sudo apt update 
-  sudo apt upgrade 
-  sudo reboot 
-  <upon reboot, begin the harvesting of ubuntu-MATE themes> 
-  cd /etc/apt/sources.list 
-  sudo nano sources.list 
-    <in the config file you just opened add the two repos below - no braces!> 
-    <deb yakkety main restricted non-free> 
-    <deb yakkety universe main restricted non-free>  
-  sudo apt update 
-  sudo apt install ubuntu-keyring-archive 
-  sudo apt update 
-  sudo apt install ubuntu-mate* 
-    <computer might crash during install, reboot, repeat or remove wildcard and install piecemeal> 
-  sudo apt autoremove 
-  cd /etc/apt/sources.list 
-  sudo nano sources.list 
-    <change the config file and comment out ubuntu repositories>  
-    <#deb yakkety main restricted non-free> 
-    <#deb yakkety universe main restricted non-free> 
-  sudo apt update 
-  sudo apt autoremove 
-  sudo apt update 
-  sudo apt upgrade 
-  sudo reboot 
-    <there could / will be problems when you attempt to sudo apt update - if so> 
-  sudo apt update --fix-missing <may need to run with and without ubuntu repos> 
-  sudo dpkg --reconfigure -a 
-    <there may also be a file in var that needs removed - be careful> 
-  rm -rf /var/<path/to/locked/file/from/apt/update/on/ubuntu> 
-#mac fan control 
-  apt-get update 
-  apt-get install macfanctld 
-  /etc/macfanctl.conf 
-  <set desired values> 
-  service macfanctld restart 
-#openWRT Notes ... tutorial 1, establishing https after First Boot ... 
-  opkg update 
-  opkg install luci-lib-px5g px5g-standalone libustream-openssl 
-  opkg install luci 
-  /etc/init.d/uhttpd restart 
-#openWRT openVPN   
-#samba share basics 
-  sudo apt update 
-  sudo apt install samba 
-  sudo adduser username 
-  sudo smbpasswd -a username 
-  mkdir /home/username/sharename 
-  nano /etc/samba/smb.conf 
-  [sharename] 
-  path = /home/username/sharename 
-  available = yes 
-  valid users = camalas 
-  read only = no 
-  browseable = yes 
-  public = yes 
-  writable = yes 
-#Notes from Schaefer Consulting work 
-Verifying eop (power line) connection between two devices (adapter), and then deploying 
-#eop - start network manager or restart or stop 
-  /etc/init.d/network-manager stop <start/restart> 
-#eop - verify dhcp client is working for device eno1 with verbose out 
-  dhclient -v eno1 
-#eop - preferred address assignment protocol using CIDR notation on device eno1 
-  ip address add 192.1##.1##.2/24 dev eno1 
-#eop - verify connection status on eno1 
-  ethtool eno1   
-#interface with switch using screen 
-  screen /dev/ttyUSB0/ 19200 
-#calculate subnet automatically 
-  subnetcalc 
-#Establish ssh proxy server on localhost by Dynamically binding the localhost to the server 
-  ssh -D <port#> <user>@<> 
-#get block ID 
-  blkid 
-#get list of adapters and chipset manufacturers 
-  lspci 
-  nmap -sP 10.##.##.0/24 
-#tcpdump common uses 
-  tcpdump -n -i <eth0> <host> <ip> 
-  tcpdump -n -i <eth0> <port> <#> 
-#find utils 
-  find . -iname "<name>"  
-#git - force git to use ssh instead of http after initial clone in http 
-  git remote set-url origin 
-  git clone ssh://<user>@<##.##.##.##>/home/git . 
-  git commit -am"notes inside here" 
-  git pull  
-  git push 
-#nano bindings 
-  ctl-r         read -open file curr. buffer, or new in multibuffer mode, enter4new empty buffer 
-  ctl-o         writeout i.e. save file 
-  cctl-x         exit i.e. quit; also exits from buffer in multibuffer mode; asks writeout/save 
-  ctl-g         get help/aid/assistance 
-  enter, ctl-m  newline 
-  bksp, ctl-h   delete previous character 
-  del, ctl-d    delete current character 
-  left, ctl-b   backward character 
-  right, ctl-f  forward character 
-  home, ctl-a   beginning of line 
-  end, ctl-e    end of line 
-  up, ctl-p     previous line 
-  down, ctl-n   next line 
-  pgup, ctl-y   previous page 
-  pgdn, ctl-v   next page 
-  m-space       previous word 
-  ctl-space     next word 
-  alt-\         beginning of file 
-  alt-/         end of file 
-  ctl-c         display cursor position 
-  ctl-/         go i.e. jump to line and column 
-  ctl-^         set/unset mark; or alt-a 
-  alt-^         copy marked, or copy line if nomark; actually alt-6 i.e. do not need shift key 
-  ctl-k         cut marked or cut lineifnomark or cut2end line if cut2end is enabled using           
-  alt-k 
-  ctl-u         paste cut or copied 
-  alt-t         cut to end of file 
-  ctl-w         search 
-  alt-w         search again 
-  alt-r         search and replace 
-  alt-<         previous file buffer; actually alt-, i.e. do not need shift key 
-  alt->         next file buffer; actually alt-. i.e. do not need shift key 
-  alt-x         toggle bottom help display 
-  alt-y         toggle color syntax hiliting;colors config via /usr/share/nano/*.nanorc files 
-  alt-c         toggle cursor position display 
-  alt-d         toggle dos/unix format option at writeout/save prompt 
-  alt-k         toggle cut to end of line 
-  ctl-t         show file list at read/open prompt 
-  ctl-x         prompt for external command to execute at read/open prompt and insert output 
-  ctl-z         suspend to shell; use fg to return 
- --- //[[|oemb1905]] 2017/10/14 02:42// 
computing/gnulinux.1507949229.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/11/25 01:33 (external edit)