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computing:vmserver [2022/11/12 18:52] oemb1905computing:vmserver [2022/11/13 02:25] oemb1905
Line 52: Line 52:
   find /mnt/vms/backups/tarballs -type f -mtime +180 -delete   find /mnt/vms/backups/tarballs -type f -mtime +180 -delete
-In addition to daily live images using the above, script, I also run a 1/3 days version called SANE , which runs virsh shutdown domain before copying/tarballing and then runs virsh start domain at the end of the tarballing. The host is set to keep 30 days worth of imagesbut you can easily adjust the flag in the last line above to your use case. After these run, pull the changes to offsite backup ``/`` computer using rsync on the offsite host as follows:+The script above can be downloaded here [[|]]. I use multiple copies of the loop script for related groups of VMs on the same physical host, and then stagger when they run with cron to limit simultaneous read/write time as follows:
-  sudo rsync -av --log-file=/home/logs/backup-of-vm.log --ignore-existing -e 'ssh -/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa' /media/user/Backups/+  #backup student machines, client machines  
 +  00 03 1,15 * * /usr/local/bin/ >> /root/sane-vm-backup-students.log 
 +  00 03 2,16 * * /usr/local/bin/ >> /root/sane-vm-backup-clients.log
-Since the workstation is on rsnapshot, I get redundant dailies on its backup that extend beyond the quantity on the physical host (because of space on my primary workstation)+On the off-site backup machine, I pull the tarballs down using a one line rsync script. I adjust the cron timing of the rsync script to work well with when the tarballs are created. 
 +  sudo rsync -av --log-file=/home/logs/backup-of-vm-tarballs.log --ignore-existing -e 'ssh -i /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa' /media/user/Backups/ 
 +The off-site backup workstation uses rsnapshot, which provides me with months of restore points and thus provides version control for if/when errors are not caught immediately
 **** ****
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 -- Network Bridge Setup / VMs -- -- Network Bridge Setup / VMs --
-Once the physical host was configured, I needed to edit its network settings and create a virtual switch that VMs could be allocated ips through. To do this, I kept it simple and used bridge-utils package and some manual editing in ''/etc/network/interfaces''.+Up until now, I've covered how to provision the machines with virt-manager, how to backup the machines on the physical host, and how to pull those backups to an off-site workstation. Now will discuss how to assign each VM an external IP. The first step is to provision the physical host with a virtual switch (wrongly called a bridge) to which VMs can connect. To do this, I kept it simple and used ''ifup'' and ''bridge-utils'' package and some manual editing in ''/etc/network/interfaces''.
   sudo apt install bridge-utils   sudo apt install bridge-utils
Line 68: Line 74:
   sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces   sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
-Now that you have added the routing software package and created the virtual switch, you need to reconfigure your interfaces file so that your host OS knows how to negotiate a connection again. In my case, I used 2/10 ips I purchased at the data center for the physical host. +Now that you have added created the virtual switch, you need to reconfigure your physical host's ''/etc/network/interfaces'' file to use the switch. In my case, I used 1 IP for the host itself, and another for the switch, meaning that two ethernet cables are plugged into my physical host. I did this so that if I hose my virtual switch settings, I still have a separate connection to the box. Here's the configuration in ''interfaces'':
   #eth0  [1st physical port]   #eth0  [1st physical port]
Line 90: Line 96:
     nameserver     nameserver
-Once that's done, you can restart networking.service (or optionally network-manager if you prefer). After that, see if your changes stuck by with ''ip a''The output of ''ip a'' will now show ''br0 state UP'' in the output of interface ''enp8s0g1'' and down below, you will see the bridge interface, ''br0''and this interface, or virtual switch, is what you connect your virtualization software to. In my case, I just specify ''br0'' in virt-manager in the network section. For smaller environmentsfor examplebeing at home and/or behind a dhcp router, then the following configuration should be sufficient:+After that, either reboot or ''systemctl restart networking.service'' to make the changes currentExecute ''ip a'' and you should see both external IPs on two separate interfaces, and you should see ''br0 state UP'' in the output of the second interface ''enp8s0g1''. You should also run some ''ping'' and ''ping'' tests to confirm you can route. If anyone wants to do this in a homesmall business, or other non-public facing environment, you can easily use dhcp and provision the home/small business server's ''interface'' file as follows:
   auto eth1   auto eth1
Line 99: Line 105:
         bridge_ports eth1         bridge_ports eth1
-The above home-version allows, for example, users to have a virtual machine that gets an ip address on your LAN and makes ssh access far easier, for exampleOkay, back to the server setup. Wellthe next thing to do is to test whether or not you can send/receive packets on those interfacesTo do that, run a few ping tests:+The above home-version allows, for example, users to have a virtual machine that gets an ip address on your LAN and makes ssh/xrdp access far easier. If you have any trouble routing on the physical hostit could be that you do not have nameservers setupIf that's the casedo the following:
-  ping +    echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf 
-  ping    systemctl restart networking.service
-At this stagethese tests failed and I was not able to route and had no functional DNS servers. Running ''cat /etc/resolv.conf'' confirmed that DNS was only localhostso it made sense I could not routeSince I use Debian, this was an easy fix, and I simply provided my host with nameservers as follows:+Now that the virtual switch is setupI can now provision VMs and connect them to the virtual switch ''br0'' in virt-manager. You can provision the VMs within the GUI using X passthroughor use the command lineFirstcreate a virtual disk to your desired size by excuting ''sudo qemu-img create -f raw new 1000G'' and then run something like this:
-  echo nameserver > /etc/resolv.conf+  sudo virt-install --name=new.img \ 
 +  --os-type=Linux \ 
 +  --os-variant=debian10 \ 
 +  --vcpu=1 \ 
 +  --ram=2048 \ 
 +  --disk path=/mnt/vms/students/new.img \ 
 +  --graphics spice \ 
 +  --location=/mnt/vms/isos/debian-11.4.0-amd64-netinst.iso \ 
 +  --network bridge:br0
-After this stepyou can either restart ''networking.service'' or if you prefer ''network-manager.service'' and/or reboot. Since I had just done a lot, I decided to just reboot. Upon rebooting, I ran the same ping tests above, and both successfully received bytes back. Now that the physical host has two ips and can route, it was time to setup the VMs and make sure they could connect to the virtual switch, or br0. To do this, I first configured a vanilla install of debian within virt-manager. Then, using the console of virt-manager for that VM, I edited the guest OS network configuration files as follows:+The machine will open in virt-viewerbut if you lose the connection you can reconnect easily with:
-  sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces+  virt-viewer --connect qemu:///system --wait new.img  
 +Once you finish installation, configure the guestOS interfaces file ''sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces'' with the IP you intend to assign it. You should have something like this:
   auto epr1   auto epr1
Line 119: Line 135:
     nameservers     nameservers
-Rememberthe configuration above is within the guest OS of the VM in virt-manager and not the physical host. In my example, I used ''epr1'' because that's the name of the network interface when you run ''ip a'' within the guest OS. For smaller/home set-ups using dhcp, you would change the configuration files as follows:+If you are creating VMs attached to a virtual switch on the smaller home/business environmentthen adjust the guest OS by executing ''sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces'' and then something like this recipe:
-  sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces +  auto epr1 
-  <auto epr1> +  iface epr1 inet dhcp
-  <iface epr1 inet dhcp>+
-Notes for Ubuntu VMs: On some of my VMsI am required to use Ubuntu. Ubuntu has now deprecated ''ifupdown'' in favor of ''netplan'' and disabled manual editing of ''/etc/resolv.conf'' so unless you want to make the above interfaces in YAML in netplanthen you have to temporarily enable NAT in ''virt-manager'' and reboot the VM. Once NAT is enabled and you can route, then add ifupdown, remove netplan, and add the ''resolvconf'' package as follows:+If your guest OS uses Ubuntu, you will need to do extra steps to ensure that the guestOS can routeThis is because Ubuntu-based distros have deprecated ''ifupdown'' in favor of ''netplan'' and disabled manual editing of ''/etc/resolv.conf''. So, either you want to learn netplan syntax and make interface changes using its YAML derivativeor you can install the optional ''resolvconf'' package to restore ''ifupdown'' functionality. To do this, adjust the VM provision script above (or use the virt-manager GUI with X passthrough) to temporarily use NAT then override Ubuntu defaults and restore ''ifupdown'' functionality as follows:
   sudo apt install ifupdown   sudo apt install ifupdown
   sudo apt remove --purge   sudo apt remove --purge
-  <enter the bridge network config above in /etc/network/interfaces> 
   sudo apt install resolvconf   sudo apt install resolvconf
   sudo nano /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail   sudo nano /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail
   <nameserver>   <nameserver>
-  sudo reboot+  systemctl restart networking.service 
 +You should once again execute ''ping'' and ''ping'' to confirm you can route within the guest OS. Sometimes, I find a reboot is required. At this stage, you now have a physical host configured with a virtual switch, and one VM provisioned to use the switch with its own external IP. Both the physical host and guest OS in this scenario are public facing so take precautions to properly secure each by checking services ''netstat -tulpn'' and/or utilizing a firewall. The main things to configure at this point are ssh access so you no longer need to rely on the virt-viewer console which is slow. To do that, you will need to add packages (if you use the netinst.iso). To make that easy, I keep the sources.list on my primary business server:  
 +  wget 
 +Once you grab the ''sources.list'' file, install ''openssh-server'' and exchange keys, you can now use a shell to ssh into the guestOS henceforward. This means that at this point you are now in a position to create VMs and various production environments at will or start working on the one you just created. Another thing to consider is to create base VMs that have ''interfaces'' and ''ssh'' access all ready to go, and then leverage those to make new instances using ''cp''. Alternately, you can power down a base VM and then clone it as follows: 
 +  virt-clone \ 
 +  --original=clean \ 
 +  --name=sequoia \ 
 +  --file=/mnt/vms/students/sequoia.img
-Make sure to restart ''networking.service'' or ''network-manager.service'' at this point and conduct some ping tests on both '''' and ''''. Sometimes, I find a reboot is required. Some online tutorials report that you need additional configuring for traffic to pass properly and/or for NAT to function. However, in my experience, this is all handled by virt-manager. In summary, the point of this project was to create my own virtualized VPS infrastructure, to run my own stuff and for clients. At presentI have ported my business site over, created a teaching nextcloud for Talk with students and for resource sharinga big blue button instance (that proves to be a major problem and source of pain), a minecraft server, some gamer sites, and some testing VPS for my kids. Here's a few to check out:+The purpose of this project was to create my own virtualized VPS infrastructure (using KVM and VMs), to run my own production environments and for clients, students, and family. Here's a few to check out:
-  * [[|Haack's Networking]] +  * [[|Haack's Networking - Nextcloud Talk Instance]] 
-  * [[|Mr. Haack]] +  * [[|GNU/Linux Social - Mastodon Instance]] 
-  * [[|Space]] +  * [[|My Daughter'Space Website]] 
 +  * [[|A Student's Pentesting Website]]
-The last one is my 10 year old daughter'projectIt's coming along nicely, and serves as a great way to teach her basic html, CSS, and JSThe next part of this write-up includes how to do the same overall virtualization of infrastructure and VPS leveraging as above, but does so with LUKS firstRead on to see what originally did ... the reason I ultimately rejected thismoreoverwas because you can't use zfs tools when hard drives fail if you do it that way. ;<+That'all folks! Well ... except for one more thing. When I first did all of this, I was convinced that zfs should be within LUKS as it was difficult for me to let go of LUKS / full disk encryption. I've now decided that's insane because of one primary reason. Namelyby putting zfs (or any file system) within LUKS, you lose the hot swapability that you have when zfs (or regular RAID) run directly on the hardware. That would mean that replacing a hard drive would require an entire server rebuild, which is insane. However, it is arguably more secure that way, so if budget and time permits, I've retained how I put zfs inside LUKS in the passage that follows. Proceed at your own risk lol.
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 Rebooting in this manner takes about 3-5 minutes for the host, and 2 minutes to screen into my user name, detach, and run the mount LUKS script to mount the pools/datasets, etc. Again, I ultimately rejected this because you cannot use zfs tools when hard drives fail with this setup. Rebooting in this manner takes about 3-5 minutes for the host, and 2 minutes to screen into my user name, detach, and run the mount LUKS script to mount the pools/datasets, etc. Again, I ultimately rejected this because you cannot use zfs tools when hard drives fail with this setup.
- --- //[[|oemb1905]] 2022/07/26 19:31//+ --- //[[|oemb1905]] 2022/11/12 12:39//
computing/vmserver.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/17 21:11 by oemb1905