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computing:linux [2016/04/21 17:25] – created oemb1905computing:linux [2017/10/14 01:10] oemb1905
Line 1: Line 1:
-test+  * Linux Basics 
 +  * Jonathan Haack 
 +  * Haack's Networking 
 +  * 
 +#Debian and Ubuntu 
 +  cd /etc/apt 
 +  nano sources.lsit 
 +#Add this line to the file at the top and save changes via nano 
 +  deb wheezy main contrib non-free 
 +#I had to do the following - add jessie to apt-get - in order to get it to work despite the instructions 
 +  deb jessie main contrib non-free 
 +#Then, re-run apt-get to get these packages, then get the cutter 
 +  apt-get update 
 +  apt-get install firmware-b43-installer 
 +#or ... it may be an older model, so use 
 +  apt-get install firmware-b43-lpphy-installer 
 +  apt-get install firmware-b43legacy-installer 
 +#to know which one, go to, or  
 +#To install Google Chrome on Ubuntu and Linux: 
 +#32-bit systems: 
 +  wget -c sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-*.deb 
 +  sudo apt-get install -f 
 +#For 64-bit systems: 
 +  wget -c wget 
 +  sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-*.deb 
 +  sudo apt-get install -f 
 +#Bootable USB sticks on Intel Macs.  First, convert the .iso to udrw format.  The destination and source info shall contain the appropriate directory /Directory/detsination.img  
 +  hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o destination_file.img source_file.iso 
 +#Next, prepare the usb disk.  Obtain disk identifier. 
 +  diskutil list 
 +#Prepare volume 
 +  diskutil partitionDisk /dev/[identifier] 1 "Free Space" "unused" "100%" 
 +#Copy the udrw to the flash drive with dd command: 
 +  dd if=[Directory/to/udrw/img] of=/dev/[identifier] bs=1m 
 +#Eject disk 
 +  diskutil eject /dev/disk2 
 +#Plug into the Intel Mac, hold option while booting, select volume. 
 +#burning CD command 
 +  cdrecord -pad -dao -data blag-140k-i686.iso 
 +#Linux password policy commmands 
 +  sudo nano /etc/pam.d/common-password 
 +#Prevent Log in - create file 
 +  /etc/nologin 
 +#General lightrm dm settings here for user 
 +  cd /usr/share/lightdm/light.conf.d/ 
 +#Global lightdm settings here 
 +  cd /etc/lightdm/ 
 +  sudo nano lightdm.conf 
 +#Lightdm Greeter in ubuntu-MATE is temperamental for screen lock and for greeter background, default & config loc. 
 +  /usr/share/common/backgrounds/ubuntu-mate-common/Ubuntu-Mate-Cold.jpg 
 +  /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf 
 +#The .conf file should have the following for no guests and no named users and should have the following options: 
 +  [SeatDefaults] 
 +  allow-guest=false 
 +  greeter-hide-users=true 
 +#downloading scripts and installing scripts with wget from command line with piping, e.g., from DO. 
 +  curl -sSL | sh 
 +#check distro version debian systems 
 +  lsb_release -a 
 +#command-line / text only way to add authorized_keys using ngrok tunnel 
 +  ./ngrok http 80 
 +  wget https://[ngrok tunnel]/ 
 +  cat ~/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys 
 +#query hosts on the lan 
 +  avahi-browse -tl _workstation._tcp 
 +#Ubuntu-MATE desktop environment and MATE themes on Debian (do not upgrade until you disable these). 
 +  sudo apt install mate-tweak 
 +  cd /etc/apt/sources.list 
 +  sudo nano sources.list 
 +  <add contrib non-free to default debian repositories> 
 +  sudo apt update 
 +  sudo apt upgrade 
 +  sudo reboot 
 +  <upon reboot, begin the harvesting of ubuntu-MATE themes> 
 +  cd /etc/apt/sources.list 
 +  sudo nano sources.list 
 +    <in the config file you just opened add the two repos below - no braces!> 
 +    <deb yakkety main restricted non-free> 
 +    <deb yakkety universe main restricted non-free>  
 +  sudo apt update 
 +  sudo apt install ubuntu-keyring-archive 
 +  sudo apt update 
 +  sudo apt install ubuntu-mate* 
 +    <computer might crash during install, reboot, repeat or remove wildcard and install piecemeal> 
 +  sudo apt autoremove 
 +  cd /etc/apt/sources.list 
 +  sudo nano sources.list 
 +    <change the config file and comment out ubuntu repositories>  
 +    <#deb yakkety main restricted non-free> 
 +    <#deb yakkety universe main restricted non-free> 
 +  sudo apt update 
 +  sudo apt autoremove 
 +  sudo apt update 
 +  sudo apt upgrade 
 +  sudo reboot 
 +    <there could / will be problems when you attempt to sudo apt update - if so> 
 +  sudo apt update --fix-missing <may need to run with and without ubuntu repos> 
 +  sudo dpkg --reconfigure -a 
 +    <there may also be a file in var that needs removed - be careful> 
 +  rm -rf /var/<path/to/locked/file/from/apt/update/on/ubuntu> 
 +#mac fan control 
 +  apt-get update 
 +  apt-get install macfanctld 
 +  /etc/macfanctl.conf 
 +  <set desired values> 
 +  service macfanctld restart 
 +#openWRT Notes ... tutorial 1, establishing https after First Boot ... 
 +  opkg update 
 +  opkg install luci-lib-px5g px5g-standalone libustream-openssl 
 +  opkg install luci 
 +  /etc/init.d/uhttpd restart 
 +#openWRT openVPN   
 +#samba share basics 
 +  sudo apt update 
 +  sudo apt install samba 
 +  sudo adduser username 
 +  sudo smbpasswd -a username 
 +  mkdir /home/username/sharename 
 +  nano /etc/samba/smb.conf 
 +  [sharename] 
 +  path = /home/username/sharename 
 +  available = yes 
 +  valid users = camalas 
 +  read only = no 
 +  browseable = yes 
 +  public = yes 
 +  writable = yes 
 + --- //[[|oemb1905]] 2017/06/30 23:53//